Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Let's Chat...

To all of you who have let me know that you've stopped by to read this blog, thank you! I'm glad to hear that people are reading this and I hope that it will continue to become a useful tool for us in communication.
Speaking of which, I want to expand on something I said (or tried to say) on Sunday during the announcements: I want to be as available to you as possible. Whether or not you take advantage of them, there are a number of ways that I am available to chat:

  • You can comment on this blog.
  • You can email me (especially if you have topic ideas for this blog).
  • You can stop by the church and chat with me during my office hours (Mon-Thur, 9-4). (You should call ahead because the work of a pastor is not exactly a "regular hours" kind of job, but I try to be as consistent as I can be.)
  • You can set up an appointment when we can meet for coffee or even invite me (and if you're adventurous, my family) over for dinner.
  • You can contact me at my various phone numbers: at the church, on the cell phone, or for an urgent need, at the house.
  • You can corner me after worship or in the grocery store or whatever else our paths might cross.
The point is, I want to talk to you. I want to hear your life stories and learn why the people of Calvary are your church family. I want to know why you love this church and what about it makes you crazy. I want to know about it if I hurt your feelings and I want you to hear me say, "I'm sorry." I want to hear from you when I'm wrong and I want you to hear from me if it turns out I'm not. I want to hear about your hopes and dreams for our future and even about your disappointments from our past. I want to make myself as available to you as I can because I want to know you and I want you to know me.
So remember you are invited! I want to hear from you. I enjoy hearing from you. I believe I am a better pastor to you because I've heard from you. I hope to hear from you soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You and the family are invited to our house for dinner anytime. ;-)